Our Story
In 2009 a small team of volunteers, led by Cindy Keagy and Leslie Holdegraver, followed Pastor Jean Prenor Brisenault on a vision to be the hands and feet of Jesus to the local community, growing a church and starting a small school connected to the church.
This was the beginning of the 501(c)3 organization JOY IN HAITI.
In late 2011, it was clear to Pastor Brisenault that opening a safe home for young girls had been laid on his heart, and his wife Joseline was in agreement. They opened an orphanage, giving it the name "House of Joy" in the hopes it would be a place of joy for young girls in need to live.
A board of 10 members oversees the functioning of this growing organization in its support of House of Joy, New Christian Church of Tabarre, and the associated Christian School of Tabarre.
The mission of Joy in Haiti is to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ in Haiti, as well as to help meet the physical needs of those living there. Joy in Haiti works with followers of Jesus who live in Haiti and are sharing their faith with those around them.
In 2009 a small team of volunteers, led by Cindy Keagy and Leslie Holdegraver, followed Pastor Jean Prenor Brisenault on a vision to be the hands and feet of Jesus to the local community, growing a church and starting a small school connected to the church.
This was the beginning of the 501(c)3 organization JOY IN HAITI.
In late 2011, it was clear to Pastor Brisenault that opening a safe home for young girls had been laid on his heart, and his wife Joseline was in agreement. They opened an orphanage, giving it the name "House of Joy" in the hopes it would be a place of joy for young girls in need to live.
A board of 10 members oversees the functioning of this growing organization in its support of House of Joy, New Christian Church of Tabarre, and the associated Christian School of Tabarre.
The mission of Joy in Haiti is to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ in Haiti, as well as to help meet the physical needs of those living there. Joy in Haiti works with followers of Jesus who live in Haiti and are sharing their faith with those around them.
How would you describe JOY??
Webster's dictionary defines JOY as a feeling, source or cause of great happiness. Success in doing, finding, or getting something. JIH Board members, collectively, say JOY is having Jesus in our heart, serving, smiling faces, family.
All of these are good things!
The NIV Bible tells us that JOY is not like happiness which is based upon happenings or whether things are going well or not. Joy remains even amidst the suffering .
Joy is not happiness. Joy is an emotion that’s acquired by the anticipation, acquisition or even the expectation of something great or wonderful! The definition of JOY that the world holds, is not nearly as amazing as biblical joy, but it tells us
that joy is also a gift, a gift from God.
"What if joy isn’t simply an emotion that comes your way but is instead something you intentionally look for and seek out? To do this, it means you must broaden your capacity to love and celebrate, looking not simply for your own joy but for the joy of others as well. A sign of the Spirit’s work in your life is the ability to celebrate with others even when you receive no direct benefit in return. Their joy truly becomes your joy, free from all envy, jealousy, or comparison." --Tripp prince
Webster's dictionary defines JOY as a feeling, source or cause of great happiness. Success in doing, finding, or getting something. JIH Board members, collectively, say JOY is having Jesus in our heart, serving, smiling faces, family.
All of these are good things!
The NIV Bible tells us that JOY is not like happiness which is based upon happenings or whether things are going well or not. Joy remains even amidst the suffering .
Joy is not happiness. Joy is an emotion that’s acquired by the anticipation, acquisition or even the expectation of something great or wonderful! The definition of JOY that the world holds, is not nearly as amazing as biblical joy, but it tells us
that joy is also a gift, a gift from God.
"What if joy isn’t simply an emotion that comes your way but is instead something you intentionally look for and seek out? To do this, it means you must broaden your capacity to love and celebrate, looking not simply for your own joy but for the joy of others as well. A sign of the Spirit’s work in your life is the ability to celebrate with others even when you receive no direct benefit in return. Their joy truly becomes your joy, free from all envy, jealousy, or comparison." --Tripp prince
This picture video was created to show the land transformation through summer 2016.
Meet the Board of Joy in Haiti!
The video below can also be seen on You Tube!! Thank you, Jim Viehman, friend to Joy in Haiti and so many other charitable organizations.
Huge amounts of thanks are owed to Mr. Jim Viehman for this informative video portraying Pastor Brisenault & the NEW land!
Pictures are great, but a video really shows the story!
*Jim is a friend to Joy in Haiti, among so many other non-profit organizations. His gift takes him all over, to remote corners, bringing home the visual account of the most basic of human physical needs. His skills are immeasurable, his understanding of the story to be told is perceptive and comes forth with clarity.
Pictures are great, but a video really shows the story!
*Jim is a friend to Joy in Haiti, among so many other non-profit organizations. His gift takes him all over, to remote corners, bringing home the visual account of the most basic of human physical needs. His skills are immeasurable, his understanding of the story to be told is perceptive and comes forth with clarity.
The board is grateful & appreciative beyond words for Jim's efforts in this video creation.
Please follow the link to the right to read the latest Year End letter from Cindy Keagy, President of Joy in Haiti and the Board. We are blessed to serve!